Changing Places. Chinese Migrants in Cities – Migrants in Chinese Cities

Hosted by Prof. Dr. Bettina Gransow, Freie Universität Berlin, and Dr. Katja Levy, University of Manchester

Cities – not countries – are the preferred destinations of worldwide migration. In China with its rapid urbanization this trend is most obvious. It is mirrored in the stream of rural migrants heading to urban areas and in the internationalization of Chinese metropolises as well. In addition to already well researched destinations in the U.S., European and increasingly Latin American and African cities are attracting a variety of different groups of Chinese migrants.

The Workshop is using selected cases such as Beijing, Guangzhou, Mexico City, Paris, Berlin and other destinations of mobile subjects to shed light on debates and measures referring to local/urban migration policies and to relate such discourses or findings to the perspectives and realities, the agency and the organizational behavior of migrant actors themselves. By focusing on the duality of Chinese and global migration and urbanization processes the Workshop is aiming at contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of the linkages between (im)migration and city development.

Friday, 28 May 2021, 14.30-16.30 h (Berlin time)
Saturday, 29 May 2021, 10.00-12.30 h and 13.30-15.00 h (Berlin time)

Registration for the workshop is required. After registration, you will receive an e-mail with the link and access data for the event.




Friday, 28 May 2021

14.30-14.40 h
Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Mechthild Leutner (Freie Universität Berlin)

14.40-15.00 h
Introductory Remarks
Prof. Dr. Bettina Gransow (Freie Universität Berlin)

15.00-15.30 h
Prof. Dr. Ariel Armony (University of Pittsburgh)
Chinese Migrants and Their Organizations in Latin American Cities

15.30-16.30 h
Panel 1   Chinese Migrants in Latin American and African Cities

Allen Hai Xiao (University of Wisconsin)
Encountering the Police and the Interfered Rhythms: The Automobilities of Chinese Migrants in an African Metropolis

Dr. Sergio Martínez Rivera (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México)
Chinese Immigration in Mexico: The Case Viaducto Piedad Neighborhood, Mexico City’s New Chinatown?


Chair: Prof. Dr. Bettina Gransow, Freie Universität Berlin

* * *

Saturday, 29 May 2021

10.00-11.15 h
Panel 2
From Rural Migrants to Chinese Citizens? (1)

Prof. He Shenjing (University of Hong Kong)
Negotiating the Right to a Decent Home: Migrant Housing and Small Property Right in Urban China

Prof. Zhou Hao (Peking University) and Dr. Zhao Rujing (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
A Study on the Temporal Variation of Migrants’ Settlement Intention: Based on the China Migrants Dynamic Survey (2010-2017)


11.15-12.30 h
From Rural Migrants to Chinese Citizens? (2)

Dr. Gao Xiaoxue (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences)
Academy and Urban Village, Creative Class and Marginal Group: The Migrating Contemporary Artist Community and the Assembled Artworld in Beijing

Ryanne Flock (Freie Universität Berlin)
Governing Rural Poverty on Urban Streets: Discourses and Policies in the Early Reform Decades


Chair: Dr. Katja Levy, University of Manchester

13.30-14.45 h
Panel 3   Chinese Migrants in European Cities

Prof. Dr. Aurore Merle (CY Cergy Paris University)
From Ethnic Mobilization to Neighborhood Inclusion: Chinese Residents’ Collective Action in the Parisian Region, France

Dr. Jens Damm (ERCCT, Universität Tübingen)
Local Ethnic Chinese Communities in Berlin and Their Transnational Online Networks

Kimiko Suda (korientation e.V.)
#We are not a Virus   ̶    Outcomes from a (Post)migrant Community-Survey and a Diary Study about Anti-Asian Racism During the Corona-Pandemic in Germany


Chair: Ryanne Flock, Freie Universität Berlin

14.45-15.00 h
Concluding Remarks
Dr. Katja Levy (University of Manchester)


Freitag-Samstag, 28.-29. Mai 2021
